17 June 2021

CAMS-GLOB-SOIL v2.2 Snapshot

Teaser of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Global soil NO emissions, version 2.2 (CAMS-GLOB-SOIL-v2.2). The collection includes monthly spatial emissions of NO from 4 components (‘Fert’, ‘Ndep’, ‘Pulse’, ‘Biome’), and also provided as totals. Additionally one variable describes the average diurnal variation for each month and grid-cell. Data are provided on a 0.5×0.5 degree resolution, as netcdf files.

Download (30 Mo)

Citation for full dataset :Simpson, D. : Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service soil global NOx emissions (CAMS-GLOB-SOIL v2.2), CAMS ADS,
