22 July 2021
CAMS-REG v4.2 Snapshot
Teaser of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service regional emission inventory version 4.2. These contain annual total emissions at grid level for the year 2017. The files are available in NetCDF4 compressed format at 0.05×0.1 degree resolution. Additional data details are provided in the README.txt file.
Download (88 Mo)
Citation for full dataset :Kuenen, J., Dellaert, S., Visschedijk, A., Jalkanen, J.-P., Super, I. and Denier van der Gon, H. : Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service regional emissions version 4.2 (CAMS-REG-v4.2), doi:10.24380/0vzb-a387, 2021
15 January 2021
CAMS-REG v5.1 BAU 2020 Snapshot
Teaser of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service regional emission inventory version 5.1 business-as-usual (BAU) 2020. These contain extrapolated annual total emissions of CAMS-REG-v5.1 at grid level for the year 2020, neglecting the impacts related to Covid-19, referred as BAU . The files are available in NetCDF4 compressed format at 0.05×0.1 degree resolution.
Download (34 Mo)
Citation for full dataset :Kuenen, J., Dellaert, S., Visschedijk, A., Jalkanen, J.-P., Super, I. and Denier van der Gon, H. : Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service regional emissions version 5.1 business-as-usual 2020 (CAMS-REG-v5.1 BAU 2020), doi:10.24380/eptm-kn40, 2021